Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You know You're in HR when...

You Know You Are in HR
When everyone in the office hates you for enforcing organisational policy. 
     -Guest Bola
You Know You Are in HR
When you have to tell a female employee what dress is acceptable and what not and when you have to use your social experience to judge if the female I am hiring is pregnant or not 
You Know You're in HR When....
When your boss tells you all of his plans and visions and asks you to implement them asap and with little help from him, if none at all... When
you feel that you do not have the right to be cranky or irritated or disappointed because if you do, where will they go to unload their baggages?... When you know you have to fit into a small budget just to get
an activity done for the employees... When you feel you want to go absent for a whole day without texting or emailing anyone from the office... When you SUDDENLY, OUT OF THE BLUE, you felt good because someone came to you and said, "HR, you're so good at scouting good venues for teambuilding activities," which you thought was impossible to hear! When after an activity you ask people if they have any concerns or violent reactions and
they say none but afterwards they talk behind your back... When everyone else in the room suddenly becomes agitated when you pass by - because they are either watching movies on YouTube or playing games... 
     -Guest Onesimus
You know you are in HR...
...when the President of the company tells you to improve morale and work on ways to create a more positive environment and then he turns around and publicly reprimands several employees; ...when employees come into your office to complain that a co-worker stole their staples; ...when you're told by senior management that we "can't be held hostage" to labor laws; ...when you hear that the President of the company said, "I know I'm not supposed to ask this but...", while interviewing a candidate; ...when a department manager asks for your advice on how to deal with a problem employee and then does the exact opposite; ...when you can't say, "I told you so" when a problem arises or a hiring decision goes wrong. (and all of that is just a typical Monday) 
     -Guest KJO
You know you are in HR when...
You are searching for a FAQ about HR laws to make a presentation for managers who conduct hiring in your organization and don't know anything about HR laws. 
     -Guest Samira
You Know You're in Benefits When...
,,,your fellow church choir members internally roll their eyes when you put one more anonymous employee on the prayer list for: terminal illness, FMLA issues with elderly parents, newborns in intensive care, struggles navigating the health care system, torn between sympathy for sick subordinates and having to get the work done, furlough and layoff worries. 
     -Guest Cat
You Know You're in HR When......
When you can't afford to be late to work because, if you do, it will send the wrong signals to the employees. 
     -Guest shiko
You Actually Desire to Meet Super Angel
HR is the only person to help you out with every problem. A good HR will surely help you out, and instead of giving you a suggestion, help you to explore it out on your own. 
     -Guest Arti
You know you're in HR when...
Your boss tells you he doesn't want you to sit in on an interview in case he says something illegal. 
     -Guest Erin
You know you're in HR when...
You know you're in HR when you are laughing out loud at all of these responses. I can't wait to share. You know you are in HR when the president of the company tells you he doesn't agree with the stated employment laws. 
     -Guest Erin
You Know You're in HR...
When you get to receive an invitation from the NLRC for allegedly terminating an employee, when you don't even know when it actually happened.

     -Guest HRP
You know you're in HR when...
You stop getting invited to informal outside activities, e.g., drinks, bachelor/bachelorette parties--even bowling. 
     -Guest Diedre

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