Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Season

courtesy of google images
It is my annual activity going up to a solitary place where I listed down all my plans for the next year. It is also an evaluation of what has been transpired in my life for the past twelve months.

2011 has been is a year of breakthrough, deliverance and healing in my life. I traveled to a place where I have seen the beauty of God's creation. Now, 2012 is approaching-- I'm claiming God's favor in my life in every aspect of my life. I ask the Lord to strengthen my life, give me wisdom and discernment in making decisions, and a passionate heart for my loved ones.

This 2012, I will keep on going and pressing on what God has entrusted to me (Philippians 3:14). I will live in accordance to God's will and purpose (Zechariah 4:6). Make my life to be channel of blessing to everyone by God's grace. I would like to be used for God's greater purpose.

Bless my heart's desire this 2012, as I enter to a life that embraces possibility in this new season for God's glory. In Jesus Name.

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