Thursday, April 21, 2011

Control your Anger before it controls you

Anger is "an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage," according to Charles Spielberger, PhD, a psychologist who specializes in the study of anger. Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. When we lose of a circumstances that we have place certain expectations on and those expectations do not result in our desired outcome, we are tempted to be angry and when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life.  Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.

The source of this type of anger are both fear and protection of personal rights but when we believe we have the right to something we have not given the Lord permission to allow an outcome different from what we want.  Timothy says "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind… “ 2 Timothy 1:7  

How to cope up with anger:
courtesy of google images
1.       Express your angry feeling by being assertive. You have to learn how to make clear what your needs are, and how to get them met, without hurting others. Being assertive doesn't mean being demanding; it means being respectful of yourself and others.
2.       Focus on something positive. Stop thinking of the problem that stimulates anger.
3.       Calm down. It will help you realize the importance of words the person. It will help you to relax and reserve anger.

Our Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional condition will greatly determine how we react to situation. We know what anger is and what it brings to us, let us give up our rights to God. Solomon says Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool” . Ecclesiastes 7: 9

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